TED talks and Ted Books can be amazing online resources for teachers looking to learn new skills and better engage with students and colleagues. TED lessons encourage better education in such subjects as professional reading, music, art, science and pretty much any topic one can think of.
Part of the magic is that the resource encourages teachers to acquire knowledge and wisdom for both classroom application and personal growth.
TED Talks are inspiring in terms of knowledge and will give one the wisdom to being successful both inside and outside the classroom.
Why TED is important
If you are a teacher, rest assured there is a TED for you. From Health and Wellness to teacher book clubs, science and math and athletic coaching there are literally thousands of inspiring videos covering everything you can imagine. More than 2,400 TED Talks are freely available. TED Talks are viewed by billions of people.
It is a great asset for teachers looking to explore valuable topics and share with colleagues exciting and original ideas.
Through TED education you can gain a deeper understanding of a variety of topics to enhance classroom instruction and to foster personal and professional growth.
What is TED?
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a nonprofit media organization which posts talks online for free distribution, under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”. TED’s early emphasis was technology and design, consistent with its Silicon Valley origins, but it has since broadened its focus to include talks on many scientific, cultural, and academic topics. TED is devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Ted Talks are educational, inspiring and academic. Ted Talks
Given the instructional nature of TED, it is a perfect outlet for teachers to inspire and motivate students.
What school could be
TED allows you to broaden your horizons.
Want to connect with that student sleeping in the back row? Tasked with giving a presentation at the next professional development meeting? Hoping to reinvigorate your love of teaching?
TED may be just the inspiration you need.
Learn how to use TED
Teachers can earn professional credit through a series based on using TED Talks. Courses use a TED Talk book; online TED Talks and web resources to help teachers motivate students to learn skills that will help them succeed.
Sign up today and change your life.