Educational Outreach

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EDUO 9904: Understanding Your Role

Course Overview Welcome to EDUO 9904 Understanding Your Role. This class was created as part of a three course series entitled Becoming a More Effective Teacher ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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EDUO 9905: Working with Teachers and Administrators

Course Overview Welcome to EDUO 9905 Working Effectively with Teachers and School Administrators. This class was created as part of a three course series entitled ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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EDUO 9906: Building Relationships with District Personnel and the Community

Course Overview Welcome to EDUO 9906 Building Relationships with District Personnel and the Community. This class was created as part of a three-course series ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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The Dominican University Educational Outreach program is specifically geared toward helping Teacher Associate/Union Representatives build an educational outreach program that is more effective in their schools and communities. The three-course series will benefit teacher representatives by showing them how to better understand their role , how to effectively work with teachers and administrators and how to build relationships with personnel and the community. Educational outreach jobs require the skills necessary to create activities that support formal or classroom-based education, as well as informal education that occurs outside the classroom.

Understanding Your Role

As a union representative your job is to recruit and retain members and bargain on their behalf. Therefore it is critical that you are a skilled negotiator as well as a bridge builder and leader. This course -- EDOU 9904 -- is designed to help the Teacher Associate/Union Representative become a support for teachers in their building, and discover ways to work in partnership with their school, district and the community. In this course, students are taught to better understand their role as a Teacher Association/Union Representative by attending Teacher Association/Union Representative meetings for collaboration and discussion of relevant topics related to their role. You will learn to read and understand the Collective Bargaining Agreement/Teacher Contract by reading articles related to your role as Teacher Association/Union Representatives and The Collective Bargaining Agreement. Students will also be asked to write a 3-4 page reflection of their year as a Teacher Association/Union Representative. Much of the assignments revolve around reflection and how to learn from it. This includes recording information and reflecting on your district Teacher Association/Union Representative meetings and reviewing your district’s Collective Bargaining Agreement or Teacher’s Contract.

Community Outreach

Community outreach involves getting the public to understand the importance of properly paying educators. It is a vital skill to have in America today as recent teacher protests have demonstrated. So it is incredibly important to learn how to better build relationships with district personnel and the community at large. A sympathetic audience and political allies are extremely important to your cause of fighting for teacher pay and benefits. Part of this course -- EDUO 9906 -- will require creating a project that would build teacher/administrator/district support for the good work that Teacher It is your job to protect the rights and the jobs of teachers, something that has a long history in the United States, dating back to 1857. Unionization allows educators to voice their opinions and champion causes without fear of retaliation. This is why community outreach is so important.

Working Effectively with Teachers and School Administrators

While community outreach and understanding the role of the Teacher Association/Union Representative are critically important, knowing how to work effectively with teachers and school administrators is key. Studies suggest that schools with unionized teachers often lead to higher achieving students. And unionized teachers benefit from better salaries. At Dominican University of California our courses are designed to make you a trusted rep for your teachers and an effective leader in your role. You will accomplish this by creating a year-long plan of meetings with the teaching staff regarding information and issues related to the teaching contract. As a Teacher Association/Union Representative you will set dates, times and topics for meetings with school administrator to discuss information and issues related to the teaching contract. You will create PowerPoints, emails and handouts for meetings with teachers and administrators. Like the other courses in this series, you will reflect on how you plan to communicate effectively with teachers and your school administrator.