Early Career
EDUO 9897: Teaching Together: Co-Teaching Strategies
Explore how successful co-teaching methods can guide you to develop meaningful lesson plans to broaden student learning. Analyze the six different approaches to ...
- Graduate Level Credits/Units: 2
- USD $318
EDUO 9896: Embracing Differences: Bringing Differentiated Instruction Into Your Classroom
Implement differentiated instruction in your classroom by exploring a variety of methods that will guide you to maximize learning for your diverse group of ...
- Graduate Level Credits/Units: 2
- USD $318
EDUO 9907: Critical Thinking in an Instagram World: Knowing Better, Doing Better
Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate educational trends in an Instagram world. Enhance your understanding of learning myths, buzzwords, and tools as you furthe ...
- Graduate Level Credits/Units: 2
- USD $318
EDUO 9308: Emerging and Beyond: Engaging English Language Learners
Establish a language rich classroom environment using the 4 domains of language acquisition. Through a self-guided process of research, implementation and reflection ...
- Graduate Level Credits/Units: 2
- USD $318
Attention Early Career Teachers!
Are you overwhelmed? Do you find yourself needing more guidance? Do you need more work-life balance? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have strategies and ideas that may help you!
Our Unique Courses Are For You!
Re-ignite your passion and energy as a classroom teacher by learning best practices from experienced, successful teachers. Learn how to effectively manage your classroom and meet the diverse needs of your students.