Art and Music

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EDUO 9840: Teaching Art to Children: Giving Teachers the Tools to Teach Fine Art

Course Introduction Welcome to Teaching Art to Children. This course is designed to help classroom teachers give hands-on fine art lessons to their students. The ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • USD $477
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EDUO 9817: Music Appreciation for Teachers

OVERVIEW Discover how focusing on different types of music that exist in the world can enrich lives and learning. Initiate an understanding of music in general b ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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EDUO 9816: Classroom Music Games

This course is designed for teachers to use music in a creative non-threatening way that will reinforce, introduce or review required Common Core Language learning ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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EDUO 9815: Elementary Classroom Music

OVERVIEW This course is designed to help teachers create a music program that will enhance the classroom environment while adding new dimensions and deeper meaning ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • USD $477
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EDUO 9813: Art is Essential

Collaborate with colleagues in an online discussion as you compare and contrast the rich and diverse cultures of our world. Teaching and learning physical geography ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • USD $477
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EDUO 9812: Where in the World? Teaching Geography Through Art

Even though technology has enabled our world view to expand, many people are still geographically challenged. Teaching and learning physical geography through art ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • USD $477
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EDUO 9764: The Art of Doodling

You must be currently teaching students to successfully complete this course. Explore the benefits of doodling, from making random marks to intentional expression. ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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EDUO 9976: The Power of Music in the Classroom

Discover how to advantage the magic music can bring to a classroom. Research shows that the happier a student is, the more they learn.Science has also proven that ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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Art and Music New

EDUO 9922: Discover Your STEM Skills Through Music – Part 3

Continue to learn the cognitive benefits gained through learning to read and play music. Engage your critical thinking skills through music maps and melodies in the ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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Art and Music New

EDUO 9921: Discover Your STEM Skills Through Music – Part 2

Create and practice rhythms. Discover the Music Pyramid and understand how the value of notes is essential to reading and writing music. Music involves formulas and ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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Art and Music New

EDUO 9920: Discover Your STEM Skills Through Music – Part 1

Learn the cognitive benefits gained through learning to read and play music.  Engage your critical thinking skills through music maps and melodies in the form of ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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Art and Music

EDUO 9085: Engage, Elevate and Expand Learning through Songs

Discover how to promote authentic learning experiences across curricula through activities based on a song's musical elements and lyrics.  Begin the experience by ...

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • USD $159
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Art and music are communication. And through art and music students acquire deeper learning techniques and better understanding of the world they live in. Art and music are our first forms of communication. As such, they play a large role in brain development. Teaching music at a young age enhances the classroom environment while adding new dimensions and deeper meaning to learning. Art teaches life lessons and improves and speeds up brain function in younger children. At Dominican University of California our Art and Music training courses are designed for teachers to use these medium in a creative and non-threatening way that will reinforce, introduce or review required Common Core Language learning curriculum standards. With our online certification courses, student teachers will read, write, investigate, and create as they learn about and practice the elements of art, music and theater

Art is Essential

Art came before written language as a form of communicating and preserving cultural and historical knowledge. As such, it is an ideal outlet for young children to use their imagination and develop their creativity. For thousands of years we have been using art to tell stories. According to Parents Magazine, “as kids manipulate a paintbrush, their fine motor skills improve. By counting pieces and colors, they learn the basics of math. When children experiment with materials, they dabble in science. Most important perhaps, when kids feel good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence.” Learning how to develop a comprehensive art curriculum provides the ability to design projects for elementary and High School students. And it can be easily integrated into any teacher’s existing training and instruction. There are many factors to take into consideration when gearing up for the activities you wish and plan to teach. This includes learning color terms and art vocabulary. You also have to think about your grade/subject level, your teaching situation — urban, rural, suburban, etc. — your level of comfort with and your own personal appreciation of art. Art is also a way to teach other subjects, such as Geography. Art is a unique way for children to enjoy learning about the world and its cultures through art projects. The idea of students learning geography in the classroom via art, research and hands-on activities will enhance how they visually place order in the world in which they live.

Why Music Matters

Music is a language that involves the creative practices of investigation and reflection. But as a teacher-student, no music degree or special talent is needed to create an influential music program . Learn how to use recorded songs to aid in developing a positive learning environment that incorporates the art of music as a means of language communication and creative personal realization. You can also learn to teach the making of musical instruments out of everyday materials.

Theater in the Classroom

Drama increases concentration and comprehension through engagement. And using theater in the classroom – acting out scenes related to the instruction – has been shown to increase interest in learning. Acting instills a sense of fun. It is interactive and thereby keeps kids active. It is hard to forget what is being taught when you have been rolling on the floor or acting out a scene on top of a chair. Acting has long been used as a means to release emotion, but also ingrain instructional lessons. Doing, rather than memorizing, is successful for many reasons and leads to a more enjoyable classroom experience. Theater has been used over the course of history from the time of Aristotle to the beginning of the progressive movement in education, where emphasis was placed upon “doing” rather than memorizing. Integrating drama helps children in various ways. It is part of real life and prepares students to deal with life’s problems. Theater in the classroom engages students in creative problem solving and decision-making and develops verbal and nonverbal communication that can enhance students’ psychological well-being. We will teach you how to use theater, along with art and music, to create effective teaching plans that develop empathy and new perspectives and build cooperation and develop social skills. For teachers, particularly teachers in K through 6, understanding how to teach art is an important skill to craft. You don’t need a Master of Arts in teaching, but professional development courses like the ones we provide online at Dominican University of California can help. Developing art and craft ideas for kids and developing art activities and games for kids means you are giving them a leg up. We provide online certification programs for all ages and for all teachers. Course assignments will also consist of articles, written responses to questions, and written reflections.