Tony Battilega

As Primary Instructor:
- EDUO 9781: Athletic Concussion
- EDUO 9732: Welcoming Diversity into Your Program
- EDUO 9731: Training to Acquire Specific Skills
- EDUO 9730: The Legal Liabilities of Teaching/Coaching
- EDUO 9729: Team Bonding
- EDUO 9728: Proper Nutrition and Athletic Performance
- EDUO 9727: Managing Your Athletic Program
- EDUO 9726: Keep It in Perspective… Make Every Kid Count
- EDUO 9725: Good Teams and Character Go Hand In Hand
- EDUO 9724: Effective Communications
- EDUO 9723: Discover Your Coaching Style
- EDUO 9722: Developing Successful Life Skills through Athletics
- EDUO 9720: Dealing With the Problem of Athletic Drug Use
- EDUO 9721: Developing a Code of Conduct Handbook
- EDUO 9707: Look Before You Leap
- EDUO 9706: Creating a Healthy Lifestyle
- EDUO 9704: Athletics – A Positive Path Through the Journey of Life
- EDUO 9703: Coaching is More Than X’s & O’s
- EDUO 9705: Let’s Look At This Another Way
- EDUX Summer Course
California teaching credentials: English, Health, Physical Education.
High School Teacher 30 years – English 11 years, Health Education 5 years, Physical Education 17 years.
Distinguished Teacher Award: Rancho Bernardo HS, Granada HS, Amador Valley HS.
High School Baseball Coach 30 years: Rancho Bernardo, Granada, Amador Valley, San Ramon Valley. Multiple League and CIF Championships.
Youth Baseball Coach 10 years: Three Babe Ruth World Series Championships.
Baseball Camps 30 years: Owner, Coordinator, Instructor.
College Baseball Coach 2 years: Pitching coach Menlo College, San Diego City College.
Division 1 Baseball Player 4 years: University of San Diego.
“I am passionate about health, fitness and lifelong learning. I teach because everyone, especially teenagers, need support and guidance in their physical, emotional and social wellness. I am driven to leave a positive impact on every person I meet.”
Personal: Married, two children, dog, snake. Family is extremely important.
Interests: Mountains, Beach, Travel, Fishing, Hiking, Skiing, Fitness, Photography, Reading and Writing.
Important Events/Dates
Listed below are upcoming Live Classes, Conferences or Events.