Carolyn Catalano

- EDUO 9360: Selective Mutism- Creating Understanding and Progress
- EDUO 9970: This Class Stinks! Olfaction Classroom Supports
- EDUO 9961: Sketchnoting - Notetaking for Students
- EDUO 9927: Grant Writing: Let’s do this, Part 2
- EDUO 9919: Grant Writing: Let's do this!
- EDUO 9413: Classroom Strategies for Every Teacher: ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Solutions for Behavior, Attention, and Regulation
- EDUO 9356: Teaching in the Outdoors
As Primary Instructor:
K-8th grade regular and special education with 20 years of experience.
Owner of pediatric private practice.
My goal is to provide educators with relevant courses that bridge the gap between teacher knowledge and therapist knowledge. I want you to feel empowered to reach for the stars!
Personally, I enjoy pro-bono work including writing grans for local non-profit private schools, hiking, and spending time outdoors with my children.
Thank you for your interest in Dominican University of California’s Professional and Continuing Education Courses!
Hi friends!
My name is Carolyn Catalano. I am not a teacher, but a master’s level occupational therapist. For 20 years I have worked in the public school system in Virginia and now in Putnam County, New York. I strive to be a resource for teachers each and every day! I feel strongly that teachers play an important role in a student’s life and that related services can be a powerful resource for teachers. I am thrilled to help teachers further in the role as Professional Development Coordinator for Dominican University for Putnam and Dutchess county New York.
What I really love about the summer EDUX 9972 class is it recognizes, celebrates, and helps to focus all the summer work that teachers already do and/or have plans to do! I also love that it provides professionals outside of teachers an opportunity to direct their own summer learning experience. No more cookie-cutter classes here! This course gives you the unique learning opportunities which only you need at the pace and time you decide on.
Please contact me with any questions you may have about the classes. I look forward to working with you to meet your personal and professional development needs.
(914) 419-5267
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