Students have a natural ability to learn, but sometimes math is intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be. Make math easy and fun. Why not? It can be done and once you break down that wall your kids will really enjoy it.
As a teacher you want your students to enjoy learning math and you want to make it as easy as possible, for them – so make it happen.
Here are a few ways to make math easy
If you are a teacher looking to learn how to get your kids excited about math, the content learned in Math Made Easy will teach you how to utilize your students’ natural learning strengths so that they will be engaged in your math curriculum and make significant learning gains.
Making math fun is key. Getting rid of anxiety is also the most important part. Making math easy provides a foundation. Once they enjoy math they will want to keep going.
Stress free
So you want to get your kids engaged in math. Here are some helpful solutions.
Take a professional development course or series that relates to making math easy. Math is tricky for some, of course, but easing fear can go a long way.
Check out a previous blog post about taking the anxiety out of math.
A helpful list
- Knowledge of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and how it can apply to your math curriculum.
- Knowledge of the NCTM Standards and how to apply the constructivist model to them.
- Knowledge of Brain Hemisphericity and how it can apply to your math curriculum.
- The ability to develop and utilize effective formative and summative math assessments.
How do you start?
Stress Free Math requires a single book titled “Math for Humans” by Mark Wahl and can be ordered at
Math through Writing, requires a different book titled, “Writing in Math Class” by Marilyn Burns which is available at and other bookstores.
A major premise of “Math for Humans” is that a teacher should attempt to tap the processes that are stronger and natural in the learner rather than consistently demanding production.
As a teacher and educator it is a good idea to talk to colleagues in regards to how he or she approaches this topic.
When planning a curriculum, how will you attempt to utilize your students’ strengths?
So let’s try to answer these questions.
Essentially you are trying to turn a left-brain concept into a right-brain concept.
The book Math for Humans indicates that our schools and textbooks force students and teachers to predominately use their left-brain.
So some exercises include writing a letter to the publisher of the math textbook outlining just how one-sided (left-brained) their textbook is. In this letter, discuss how important it is to enable students to do mathematics using both sides of the brain. In addition, make suggestions on how to better balance the textbook.
Adapt the above lesson so that it is predominately right-brained.