EDUO 9984: Creating a Unit Plan

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Select a unit plan to revise or create.  Using backward design concepts from assigned readings, refine, or develop learning goals, essential questions, assessment evidence, and a learning plan which address and strengthen student understanding for meaning, transfer of learning, knowledge, and skills.

Required Text:  The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.

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Marlene Gruber

B.A., M.A. Psychology/Counseling, M.A. School Administration and School Leadership

Mathematics Instructor, High School Counselor, Middle and High School Assistant Principal and Principal, Central Office Director of Diversity, AVID Western Division Director and National Post-Secondary Director.

Harvard Leadership Certificate, School Principal of the Year, Association President and Lead Negotiation Facilitator.

Provide job-embedded growth opportunities that make a relevant impact on personal and professional growth and resulting practices.

Public Speaking for various foundations with focus on organ transplants, photography, world travel.