EDUO 9878: Project Based Learning – YOU can do this!

  • Instructor: Joe Herz
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 2
  • US $318
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Course Overview

Project Based Learning, PBL, goes beyond the typical research and deliver “projects” so familiar to teachers and students. PBL focuses as much on the process of instruction and strategies as on the product.
Projects engage students and matter to them. Topics are relevant. Depending on their age, students can be guided or become self-guided to formulate their own challenges and questions and procedures to reach goals they deem important to success. Critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, discovery, use of technology and presenting to an audience are essential, self-evolving pieces of PBL projects.

Required Text: Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom available at
Amazon and other online retailers

Supplemental Text Content: Cooper on Curriculum – email required to download supplements.

By the end of the course assignments you will have created the framework for a PBL unit to use with students.

Course Objectives

This course will give students opportunity to:

  • Develop and Display a cognitive perception of Project Based Learning
  • Learn step-by-step how create a Project Based Learning classroom environment
  • Develop a Project Based Learning unit from planning to implementation and reflection

Course Relation to Professional Standards

This course aligns to:
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standard’s in the following propositions 1, 3, 4 and 5:
The International Society for Technology and Education Teacher and Student Standards.
CCS English Language Arts:
– Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions.
– Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners.
– Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
Next Generation Science Standards
– Developing and using models; Planning and carrying out investigations
– Analyzing and interpreting data; Engaging in argument from evidence
– Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
ISTE – Empowered Learner; Innovative Designer; Creative Communicator; Global Communicator

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Joe Herz

B.S., M.A. in Educational Technology

K-8 General Ed; K-12 Technology 30+ years.

Site and District Tech Coordinator; Technology Program Planner; Conference Presenter; Author.

"My current educational goal is to aid in the development of effective and responsible technology use by all students and innovative technology implementation by teachers."

Joe’s personal interests include: Music (guitar/drums), his classic VW bus and helping with local animal rescues.