Credit Options Available: 2 or 3
2 Grad Units/Credits = $150, 3 Grad Units/Credits = $225
Registration Instructions*
A. Registration for the trip, Academic Expeditions (AE):
- Before enrolling in the course you must first register for the Academic Expeditions Educational Travel trip through the DE website: Select your trip under the drop-down menu “Upcoming! Expeditions and then click the “Register Now!” button.
- Once registered, you will receive a registration confirmation and “Welcome” email from DE.
B. Registration for the course, Dominican University of California (DU):
- Choose the number of credits and register online at Click on “Courses by Subject” from the main menu and then “Educational Travel”. Scroll down to the Discovery Expeditions trip for which you have enrolled through the AE website. Click to read about the course and register.
- You will receive a verification email from the university confirming your enrollment in the course.
*NOTE: It is highly recommended that you receive prior approval from your administration before enrolling.
1. Assignments for 2 Graduate Credits:
A. Attend all pre, during and post trip sessions.
B. Complete all assigned trip requirements.
C. Write a brief description of each site visited covering the following topics:
- How did this experience enhance your teaching? in particular, explain how this experience aligned with your specific subject area or education standard (e.g., common cores, Next Generation Science Standard, Social Studies Standard, STEM, etc.), or role as a professional educator?
- What was the most interesting and helpful aspects of the trip?
- What would have made this trip experience more valuable to me?
- Choose three of the sites you visited that had the most educational value, and explain why.
- Describe some areas of interdependence or interconnectedness of the individual experiences on the trip
- A field journal must be kept throughout the trip. For guidance on keeping a field journal, visit the DE trip page for links to journaling and other resources.
- Include photos with a brief description where applicable.
- Share the information learned during your trip with your peers and ask for their
2. Assignments for 3 Graduate Credits: In addition to number 1 above, do “A” and either “B” or “C” below.
A. Select at least 3 specific sites you visited and write a detailed lesson plan for each site as if you were going to use what you learned in your educational setting. Indicate in your lesson plans where there is alignment with the Common Core, State or District standards.
B. Choose one of the lessons from “A” above and teach the lesson.’ Then, write a 1 -2 page summary and evaluation of your lesson. Tell about the successes and, what if any, changes you would make if you decided to use the lesson again. Send examples of student work where applicable. Obtain the signature’on your lesson plan of an administrator after teaching
the lesson and submit with your work.
C. Present what you learned from your trip experience and how it contributed to your teaching and
student learning to either:
- A Faculty Presentation
- training of staff
- Department Sharing
- PTA Presentation
- Other
Write a summary and evaluation of your presentation (1-2pages). Obtain the signature of an administrator after your presentation.
Register Now
Mary Lou Varni
B.A.30+ years teaching experience.
Curriculum developer, in-service leader in the teaching of writing.
Taught course on the development of standards-based teaching, best practices and strategies.