EDUO 9817: Music Appreciation for Teachers

  • Instructor: Pam Ferko
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • US $159
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Discover how focusing on different types of music that exist in the world can enrich lives and learning.

Initiate an understanding of music in general by attending live, or watching online, a minimum thirty-minute concert or performance and then listening to similar music selections. Nourish a deeper understanding of your music choices by analyzing the music’s origins, how you feel when you listen to it, and what about it gives you that feeling. Apply this deeper understanding of music’s influence to work as a tool that can support learning in your classroom.

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Pam Ferko

B.A., Supplementary Authorization in English

K-8 General Ed. in elementary public schools 26+ years.

Friday Morning Sing director for 5 years.

Educational special interest in using music to assist in teaching all academic subjects.

Pam’s personal interests include family, singing in a choir, and is a Mid Century Modern design enthusiast.