Course Overview:
The goal of this course is to ensure that you can independently and proficiently build or revise a unit map based on a backward design approach. You will demonstrate understanding of each component in the backward design process and apply what you learn to a unit of your choosing that you will ultimately teach.
Course Description:
Learn mapping and curriculum design skills necessary to develop relevant, comprehensive targeted units of instruction that incorporate ELA Common Core Standards and other related teaching standards. Use a unique backward planning process to easily reach course objectives. The course text, companion website, pertinent examples, templates, rubrics, student checklists and handouts available for download will help in developing your mapping and curriculum design. Applying the mapping and curriculum design techniques learned in this course to pilot a comprehensive 4-6 week unit of instruction is an encouraged expectation.
Course Objectives:
Participants will learn how to create their own standards-based unit map and use it to design a comprehensive unit of study complete with accompanying lessons. They will:
• Group pertinent standards
• Identify what students should know
• Develop essential (enduring) understandings
• Discern between essential unit and lesson guiding questions and create these guiding questions to frame instruction
• Identify or create a culminating assessment for students to demonstrate learning
• Preview prepared checklists and rubrics and design these assessments
• Create ways to differentiate activities, assessments, and resources
• Determine skills to be taught
• Use unit map to write differentiated lessons adhering to a specific template that highlights key components necessary for effective and meaningful instruction

Kathy Glass
B.S., M.A.25+ years in education; former teacher; national consultant.
Author of 12 books including The Art and Science of Teaching Writing co-authored with Robert Marzano.
Kathy is invested in increasing educators’ capacity to hone their craft so they can translate what she teaches to effective classroom practice.
Baking, hiking, and spending time with family are among her favorite pastimes.