NOTE: Due to COVID-19, we recommend that you do not register for this course until you are back in your classroom full time without restrictions on desk placement or activities
Course Overview
The Common Core State Standards and the focus on 21st century skills require learning spaces that promote collaboration and innovation. Yet most of our elementary schools were built in the 1950’s and are filled with desks, bookcases, storage, and basic materials. How can you bridge that gap? How can you re-imagine your classroom and turn it into a learning space that better meets learners’ needs? Let’s work together and reshape
your learning space.
Course Objectives
- Explore the conflict between traditional classroom design and current pedagogy
- Understand the connection between space and pedagogy
- Analyze your classroom and how it could better serve learning and learners
- Redesign your classroom and implement the plan
Course Assignments:
Each lesson includes articles to read and/or an instructor presentation. Guided exploration and practice work follows. Participants use discussion forums to share their ideas, thinking, and redesign plans.
Key areas include:
- Gaining background on the connection between learning and classroom design
- Analyzing classroom designs based on course concepts
- Evaluating your own classroom design, its advantages and challenges
- Redesigning your classroom and implementing the new plan
- Getting feedback from colleagues and your students
- Posting to our class forums throughout the course, including classroom photos

Paula Hundley
B.A., M.Ed. in Reading Instruction, M.Ed. in Education AdministrationMiddle school teacher; K-12 Technology Coach and professional development at site, district, and county levels; 21 years.
Independent consultant in the areas of technology integration, instructional design, and learning environments.
Paula enjoys helping teachers grow professionally and reflect on their practice.
Paula’s personal interests include: Travel, reading and gardening, volunteer tutoring, and golf.