EDUO 9747: Teacher and Student Passion

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Course Overview

Welcome to EDUO 9747 Teacher and Student Passion. This class was created by Dominican University of California in conjunction with Educational Development and Services as part of a three course series entitled Passion Driven Education. Research suggests that throughout the era of testing and accountability, students and teachers have been losing their passion for learning.Many students are completing their schoolwork just to earn enough points for a good grade or to avoid consequences from their parents. We need to replace this “compliant” education with true student engagement and a love of learning. This series is designed to provide you with tools that will help you cultivate a thriving and passionate community of learners that are excited to come to school each day. In this particular course, you will learn how to tap into your passion for teaching as well as your students’ passion. By meeting the requirements of this class, participating teachers will earn two semester units of graduate-level extension credit from the Dominican University of California, a fully accredited university. The other two courses in the series are:

  • EDUO 9748 Passionate Classroom Communities
  • EDUO 9749 Passionate and Engaging Lesson Planning

Although Teacher and Student Passion is NOT a prerequisite for the other two courses, it does provide a foundation for them. Teacher and Student Passion, Passionate Classroom Communities, and Passionate and Engaging Lesson Planning all require the following two books: Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess and The Passion-Driven Classroom by Angela Maier & Amy Sandvold. These books are available for purchase at

Course Objectives:

After completing the course titled Teacher and Student Passion, you will demonstrate or indicate:

  • The importance of creating student passion in the classroom
  • The importance of brining teacher passion into the classroom
  • Strategies that bring student and teacher passion into the classroom

Course Relation to CCS or other Professional Standards

This course aligns to the following professional teaching standards:

  • Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
  • Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
  • Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
  • Planning Instruction and Designing learning Experiences for all Students

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Ryan Pickett

B.A., M.S. in Counseling Clinical School Psychology

K-12 School Psychologist 20+ years.

Collegiate Professional Development Coordinator, Developer, and Instructor 16+.

"I take pride in helping educators enhance student learning while bringing passion into their classrooms."

Ryan loves spending time with family and friends, especially outdoors. His favorite activities include snowboarding, golf, and hiking.