Welcome to EDUO 9743 Teacher Evaluation: Doing What Matters in Teacher Feedback. This class was created as part of a three course series entitled Teacher Evaluation. The other courses in the series are:
- EDUO 9742 Teacher Evaluation: Doing What Matters in Teacher Observations
- EDUO 9744 Teacher Evaluation: Doing What Matters in Teacher Growth
This series examines teacher evaluation for the purpose of improving both pedagogical skill and student achievement. The series is designed for aspiring and practicing administrators, department coordinators, teacher leaders, peer observers/evaluators or any educator responsible for teacher growth and evaluation.
School Districts across the nation are planning reform efforts in response to federal grants and changing policies which address systems and structures supporting student learning and teacher effectiveness. The content learned in this series will teach you to “identify and do what matters” in teacher observations and feedback conferences focused on the dual purposes of growth and evaluation. The series and all courses will take into account the recent writings of the following respected authors who have published their works based on research and best practice: Teacher Evaluation That Makes a Difference, Robert J. Marzano and Michael D. Toth; Getting Teacher Evaluation Right, Linda Darling-Hammond; and Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation, Kim Marshall.
Although Teacher Evaluation: Doing What Matters in Teacher Observations is not a prerequisite for the other two courses, it does provide a natural sequence and foundation for them.
Course Objectives
After completing the course Teacher Evaluation: Doing What Matters in Teacher Feedback, you will demonstrate or indicate what matters most in the four course objectives below:
- Face-to-face feedback and written feedback and evaluation
- Focused feedback on student learning and instructional improvement
- Using feedback which addresses teacher professional development
- Feedback effectiveness
Course Assignments:
Course assignments will consist of readings, observations, interviews, a teacher feedback conference and assessments. Examples of assignments for this class are:
Observation of Teacher Feedback Conference
Select a building or district administrator and request to observe a teacher feedback conference. Observe this conference and schedule a meeting with the administrator to debrief the conference, asking the following questions:
- Did this administrator feel the objectives of the teacher conference were met?
- How did this administrator prepare for the conference? Did this administrator feel sufficient data was available/used to give the teacher valuable feedback?
- What are this administrator’s next steps to complete the teacher’s evaluation and monitor professional growth?
Prepare a one-page report summarizing what you learned from this observation. What feedback skills and practices do you want to include in your feedback processes with teachers? A list of all required assignments will be provided when you have registered for this class and downloaded the full syllabus.
Register NowInstructor
Kathy Vining
B.S., M.Ed., Admin; Certificate in Equity & Urban Education38 years in K-12 and post-secondary education, AVID teacher, Path Specialist, Multicultural Specialist.
AVID staff developer, Equity trainer, REACH facilitator, Equity/TitleIX/Section 504 Compliance, Officer.
My goal is to support teachers as they strive to become more culturally responsive in order to meet the diverse needs of their students.
I enjoy writing, painting, ATV’ing, camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities.