Exploring My Sense of Place Series
Exploring My Sense of Place: Introduction and First Steps, EDUO 9536
Dates: Instructor Coached
Units: 2
Instructor: Mary Lou Varni, mlvarni@dominicanCAonline.com
Section A, Part 1 – Introduction
Welcome to Exploring My Sense of Place, a series of courses designed by Dominican University of California, Division of Continuing Education.
Exploring My Sense of Place is a program that provides participants with direct experiences in learning from the Earth’s systems in their own unique bioregion. This is an experiential, hands on series of courses.
The courses and guidebook are designed to provide the tools to extend its content beyond the classroom. Through first hand experience participants will learn how to read the landscape of their Place through its geologic, weather and climate, plant and animal communities, as well as learn from the ways of the indigenous people. Participants will experience and learn strategies for teaching nature awareness through a series of themes such as the relationship between our food and our Place wherever we are in our local ecosystem. The Series is designed to be taken in numerical order; course 1, 2 then 3. It is important to take course one first: Introduction and First Steps (Prerequisite course), EDUO 9536
This two-unit course, Introduction and First Steps is the first course in a series of three Instructor Coached courses. It lays the foundational background for the series and is the prerequisite for the other two courses. It will provide the guidelines and strategies on how to fully explore your local region.
Additional courses in the series are:
• Design Your Own Sense of Place Program, EDUO 9537 (1 unit)
• Conduct Your Own Sense of Place Program, EDUO 9538 (1 unit)
The following book is essential to completing the course(s). The book is based on data and notes taken from programs offered in various regions and states, and created with the intention of being used as a guide only. You are free to use whatever resources needed to create and experience your own unique program while following the course syllabus and requirements.
Text: Exploring a Sense of Place, How to create your own local program for reconnecting with
Nature by Karen Harwell and Joanna Reynolds. (ISBN 0-9786851)

Mary Lou Varni
B.A.30+ years teaching experience.
Curriculum developer, in-service leader in the teaching of writing.
Taught course on the development of standards-based teaching, best practices and strategies.