EDUO 9534: Introduction to Farm to School

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • US $159
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Course Overview

This course is designed for K-12 teachers, administrators and other educators who wish to learn more about the growing Farm to School movement in K-12 education. The term “farm to school” encompasses efforts that bring local or regionally produced foods into school cafeterias while supporting hands-on learning activities such as school gardening, farm visits, and culinary classes to support both academic learning and foster a connection between local food and healthy eating.
It encourages the integration of food-related education into the classroom and develops connections between the school and the local agricultural community.

This 1-credit course is delivered in an online, self-paced format that includes reading, research and reflection. It is the prerequisite for the 3-credit course, EDUO 9535 Farm to School Practicum.

(1) USDAs Food Nutrition Services:Farm to School. (retrieved July 19, 2014).

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of farm-to-school programming, identify resources to support this programming, and explore examples of formal and informal educational activities that support student learning through hands-on activities and lessons.
  • Identify areas within current curricula (standards or learning objectives) where farm-toschool programming can be integrated to further support standards-based curriculum.
  • Develop a list of contacts and potential community partnerships which link farm and food production in the local area to their classroom
  • Create a lesson or unit plan that embeds standards-based learning into inquiry-based farm to school activities.

Course Relation to CCS or other Professional Standards

This course aligns to the standards for:


Element A: Curriculum Content and Materials Quality professional learning builds educators’ knowledge and understanding of subject-matter curricula and materials so that all students meet content and performance expectations and are ready for college and careers.

1. Focuses on learning the content required in meeting state and district outcomes for students.

2. Deepens and extends subject-matter knowledge within educators’ own discipline and across other disciplines.

3. Builds educators’ capacity to use curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, equipment, and technology that support the teaching and learning of subject-matter content.

Element C: Program/School Quality professional learning uses schoolwide information to determine the current policies, practices, and outcomes that are the most essential priorities for educators’ professional learning.

1. Uses information from school initiatives and improvement efforts to identify knowledge and skills that educators need to implement recommendations.

2. Assesses how well current programs are aligned with federal, state, and district expectations for safe and secure environments, in order to determine priority actions.

How to Submit Coursework

Each completed assignment in this course is submitted to the instructor for review. Throughout this course, keep one “running document” and submit via “Dropbox” upon completion of all tasks. You will receive feedback from your instructor within 2-5 days indicating successful completion of the assignment or the need for revision. The final course grade will be determined and you will be notified.

Name your completed file submitted with your last name and course name (i.e. BrownIntroFarmtoSchool). Make sure you place your full name, course number and assignment number at the top of each document page. You will receive feedback from your instructor within 5 days indicating successful completion of the assignment or the need for revision. Assignment grades will be averaged for the final course grade. Grading assessment rubrics for written projects and for presentation projects are found in this document.

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