EDUO 9533: Health and Wellness for the Educator

  • Instructor: Matt Heglie
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • US $477
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Be good to yourself as you develop and model a healthy lifestyle. Deepen your understanding of a healthy diet, exercise and stress management strategies.

Course Objectives

In this course, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Understand the harmful effects of sugar, salt, fat, and processed foods
  • Learn many benefits of fruits, vegetables, grains, and spices
  • Explore daily exercises
  • Appreciate the importance of social wellness
  • Demonstrate how health and wellness can be implemented into the classroom

Course Assignments

The Harmful Effects of Sugar
Receive information regarding the harmful effects of sugar, fat, salt, and processed foods. Explore specific foods and their effects on the human body. Some of the tasks will allow an understanding of your personal consumption compared to the recommended amounts. Other assignments will facilitate a personal approach for implementing health and wellness into your classroom.

The Benefits of Fruits, Vegetable, Grains, and Spices
In this section, read and learn many benefits of various fruits, vegetable, grains, and spices. Choice will allow investigation of nutrients that appeal to you. Prepare meals for one week that incorporate some of your choices. Read book reviews of some of the leading nutritional texts. By comparing and contrasting you will gain a deeper appreciation for the many benefits of the foods you examine.

Physical and Psychological Issues
Examine many of the benefits of physical exercise. Physical and psychological benefits of short term and chronic exercise will be explored. Examine some of the most important reasons one should exercise and the effects it can have in other areas of your life. Scrutinize social wellness and be allowed opportunities to learn effective methods of communication to you school and community. Identify “Stressors” in your and methods to avoid such situations.

Culminating Assignment
Create a personal 30-day challenge. Follow this plan. At the conclusion, analyze the effects and discuss. Finally, create a health and wellness plan for your students. Utilize information learned throughout this course and implement.

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Matt Heglie

B.S., M.S. Kinesiology

K-12 Public Schools and Collegiate level, 13+ years.

Matt is passionate about cutting edge curriculum and pedagogy.

His primary purpose is helping other teachers reach their personal and professional goals.

Matt’s personal interests are family, outdoor adventure, and exercise science.