Course Overview
Students with disabilities are subject to specific legal discipline procedures that do not apply to all students campus-wide. There are steps that must be taken when dealing with students with disabilities. This course will thoroughly review the law pertaining to these students, and provide you with valuable information on avoiding legal conflict.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, the participant will:
- 1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of special education law as it pertains to discipline and students with special needs.
- Develop checklists of behavior as it relates to legal considerations for students with special.
- Conduct a case study evaluation of a student with special needs with behavior difficulties.
- Complete an attitude survey regarding personal attitudes toward discipline and its relationship to students with special needs.
Course Relation to CCS or Other Professional Standards
This course aligns with the following professional teaching standards (
- 1. Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
- Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
- Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
- Planning Instruction and Designing learning Experiences for all Students
Mary Lou Varni
B.A.30+ years teaching experience.
Curriculum developer, in-service leader in the teaching of writing.
Taught course on the development of standards-based teaching, best practices and strategies.