EDUO 9375: The Technology Leader

  • Instructor: Joe Herz
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • US $477
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Course Overview

This is the final course in the CT 6th Year Technology Integration Certificate program. The qualities of a technology leader will be explored. Technology Leaders are empowered technology teachers. Their technology pedagogy and skills are used to motivate and collaborate with peers and students, model digital citizenship, design and facilitate tech-based learning opportunities and analyze the impact of technology on student learning. This course has participants assessing progress made in those areas and creating plans to continue and share their progress. The course will not explore apps or software or technology tools.

Course Learning Objectives:

  • Define the role of a technology leader
  • Summarize teaching practices, skills and expected student outcomes resulting from participation in the Technology Leadership certificate program.
  • Demonstrate proof of SAMR Redefinition-level student work (see Resources section of this course)
  • Develop a long-term strategy to further your professional development in the area of technology integration
  • Demonstrate proof of presenting technology-integration to peers.

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Joe Herz

B.S., M.A. in Educational Technology

K-8 General Ed; K-12 Technology 30+ years.

Site and District Tech Coordinator; Technology Program Planner; Conference Presenter; Author.

"My current educational goal is to aid in the development of effective and responsible technology use by all students and innovative technology implementation by teachers."

Joe’s personal interests include: Music (guitar/drums), his classic VW bus and helping with local animal rescues.