EDUO 9313: Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom

Early Childhood Education
  • Instructor: Joe Herz
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • US $477
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Develop an early childhood classroom environment that actively engages students in foundational technology usage. Strengthen that foundation as it uses technology to support social development and academic learning, traits of curiosity and creativity, tool skills, and online safety and responsibility. Engage in research and reflective and creative assignments whose cumulative goal is to promote early childhood classrooms that put student academic and social learning at the forefront of technology use.

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Joe Herz

B.S., M.A. in Educational Technology

K-8 General Ed; K-12 Technology 30+ years.

Site and District Tech Coordinator; Technology Program Planner; Conference Presenter; Author.

"My current educational goal is to aid in the development of effective and responsible technology use by all students and innovative technology implementation by teachers."

Joe’s personal interests include: Music (guitar/drums), his classic VW bus and helping with local animal rescues.