Learn technology-based strategies to foster independence in the special education student. Discover how to easily implement an abundance of free technology resources that will help meet the challenge of accommodating, engaging and targeting the individual needs of students with learning disabilities.
Frontload your lessons using technology as a key support resource to Entice, Empower and Engage learners to be more independent learners. Build a library of current and proven technology resources that can be easily implemented in your classroom. You will be provided with TONS of free technology resources that are easy to implement in your classroom.
Amy Rowan
B.S., M.A. in Special Education and Educational LeadershipAdult Education 8 years; Grades 6-8 Special Education 6 years; Special Education Specialist 3 years
Special Education Chair, Countywide Student Council Advisor, Conference Presenter, Professional Development Facilitator.
“My current educational goal is to narrow the educational gap between the highest performing students and their peers with learning disabilities.”
Amy’s personal interests include working out, spending time with her son, and reading