EDUO 9167: Hyperdocs – Reinvent Your Teaching

  • Instructor: Joe Herz
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • US $159
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Redefine your teaching approach by using Hyperdocs one-document designs.Customize your own designs or use tips from existing models. Foster a Hyperdocs philosophy using your existing technology tools to support blended and personalized learning. Plan engaging, self-paced, student-centered creativity using SAMR-influenced differentiated pathways that guide deeper learning and creativity. Use of Google Drive is not required but is recommended for this course.

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Joe Herz

B.S., M.A. in Educational Technology

K-8 General Ed; K-12 Technology 30+ years.

Site and District Tech Coordinator; Technology Program Planner; Conference Presenter; Author.

"My current educational goal is to aid in the development of effective and responsible technology use by all students and innovative technology implementation by teachers."

Joe’s personal interests include: Music (guitar/drums), his classic VW bus and helping with local animal rescues.