Welcome to EDUO9125, Watch This! Creating Powerful Presentations. This is not just another course on how to create classroom PowerPoint or any other software or app-based presentation. This course asks you to think far outside the average presentation box.
There’s no denying that the tech tools of today are vastly different from those of just 5 years ago. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and other online-capable devices allow students to access and engage 24/7. They are visually engaged. They are socially engaged. Their attention is getting more difficult to maintain given the instant and exciting use of digital medial from others or from their own creativity.
This course is designed to help teachers learn about current software and online presentation tools, revisit some old favorites and how to use these new and old tools to prepare engaging and meaningful classroom presentations. What you learn in this course should be passed on to your students.
This course addresses Common Core State Standards in the area of English Language, English Language Speaking and Listening which encourage the use of formal presentations that include student displays of digital literacy.
The 21st Century student-centered classrooms of today must engage students in Creative and collaborative project-based assignments which include use of currently available presentation tools.
Creativity means: Thinking Differently
You can have the most beautifully-designed presentation in the history of education, but you’ll still fail to communicate your goal or inspire if you don’t engage your audience and make them care.
And the key to making them care? Address the “Why” questions.
“Why is this important?”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Why should I pay attention to this instead of thinking about my social life, peer pressure, home problems or that test coming up?”
Course Objectives:
Participants will have opportunity to:
- Learn about a wide range and ever-evolving variety of current computer, tablet and smartphone presentation programs that may include:
o PowerPoint
o Prezi
o Keynote
o Google Presentation/Slides
o PowToon
o Present Me
o Animoto
o NearPod
o Haiku Deck (ipad and online)
o Zensation
o MyPlick
o Symbaloo (not a true presentation tool)
o PhotoPeach (not a true presentation) - Understand that presenting is a form of communicating
- Understand the purpose of teacher and student presentations
- Understand the importance pre-planning a presentation
- Understand copyright laws and Fair Use guidelines when using non-original content
- Create presentation pre-planning documents
- Create project-specific student rubrics to aid in project development
- Learn how to engage your audience
- Learn how to evaluate presentations using a course rubric
- Create a variety of presentation projects relevant to CCSS or non-CCSS curriculum
- Share presentations with fellow course participants
Participants in the course will:
- Interact with the instructor as assignments are completed
- Interact with other enrolled students via an online forum
- View, edit and create online documents and projects
Course Agreement and Requirements
- Agreement to enroll in several online sites necessary to complete assignments
- Agreement to share work with fellow students
- There is no required textbook for this course
Joe Herz
B.S., M.A. in Educational TechnologyK-8 General Ed; K-12 Technology 30+ years.
Site and District Tech Coordinator; Technology Program Planner; Conference Presenter; Author.
"My current educational goal is to aid in the development of effective and responsible technology use by all students and innovative technology implementation by teachers."
Joe’s personal interests include: Music (guitar/drums), his classic VW bus and helping with local animal rescues.