Course Overview
Explore how teachers are leveraging the principles of gamification to create an instructional model that provides differentiation, student independence, collaboration, and inquiry learning. Like the most exciting video games, a gamified classroom engages learners with achievable, incremental challenges, designed to build the skills and knowledge necessary to meet more difficult challenges as the learner progresses through the levels within a unit.
Participants will use the principles of video gaming to create a learning environment in which differentiation is effortless and the students are inspired to continually challenge themselves.
Course Objectives
In this course participants will have opportunity:
- To examine the history of Gamification and the rationale leading to its success.
- To identify the various methods of Gamification.
- To analyze the simplest way to convert traditional methods to Gamified lessons.
- To develop a Gamified unit.
Course Assignments
Research & Reflection – Part I
In addition to the content provided in the course, research and provide a broad perspective of the Gamification Movement. What is Gamification? What is the difference between Gamification and Game Based Learning? What are the benefits of a Gamified Classroom? What is the attraction to students? (2-3 Page, 12 pt font)
Research & Reflection – Part II
In addition to the content provided in the course, research and reflect upon the many ways that teachers are making the paradigm shift to Gamification. Provide several (minimum of 3) concrete examples of lessons involving Gamification. (Remember, Gamification is different than Game Based Learning) (2-3 Page, 12 pt font)
Final Project
Take what you have learned to a new level by creating a Gamified Classroom or Unit. Choose a chapter and convert your traditional content into a gamified system. You plans should include game design options that help you provided differentiated learning. Remember : The more detailed your plan is, the more likely you are to be successful.
Final Reflection
Reflect on the Big Picture of Gamification. Will this be a fad? How difficult will it be to create and sustain a Gamified classroom? How does Gamification fit with the testing world that we are so dedicated to? (2-3 Page, 12 pt font)
Register NowInstructor

Lisa Johnson-Bowers
B.S., 8-12 Comprehensive Science, M.A. Science Education/Professional DevelopmentChemistry (and Physics) 28 years, Softball Coach 23 years.
Primary Goal - Helping teachers to reach their professional and personal goals.
Personal Interests : Family, Golfing, and Helping teachers to reignite their passion for teaching, overcome burnout.