Course Overview
Mobile devices continue to make inroads into the modern day classroom, and iPad is in a class by itself! Go to work with your iPad. Explore best practices, promising apps, and implementation strategies. Access rich content to support your students and revolutionize your instructional practice.
Course Objectives
- Identify best practices for the integration of iPads in the classroom
- Explore promising apps for the iPad and determine implementation strategies
- Develop plans for everyday use of the iPad to promote student achievement
- Access and evaluate learning resources and educational apps
- Create media rich content using the iPad
- Develop short lessons that utilize the iPad and create samples for each to use with students
- Design one major project or a develop a learning center that relies on the iPad
Course Assignments:
Each module includes an introduction and recorded demonstration by the instructor. Guided exploration and practice work follows. Participants use discussion forums to share their discoveries, thinking, and implementation ideas. Key areas include:
- iPad as Instructional Tool and Workhorse
- iPad as Individual Learning Tool
- iPad for Collaboration
- iPad for Content Creation
- Finally, participants develop a project for use in the classroom

Paula Hundley
B.A., M.Ed. in Reading Instruction, M.Ed. in Education AdministrationMiddle school teacher; K-12 Technology Coach and professional development at site, district, and county levels; 21 years.
Independent consultant in the areas of technology integration, instructional design, and learning environments.
Paula enjoys helping teachers grow professionally and reflect on their practice.
Paula’s personal interests include: Travel, reading and gardening, volunteer tutoring, and golf.