EDUO 9101: Fundamentals of Google Docs and Drive

  • Instructor: Joe Herz
  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 3
  • US $477
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Teachers have always held the key to student success. But their role is changing. There are new skills and pedagogical insights educators need to teach, work and learn in the digital age. Learn how to create documents using Google Docs and Drive. Google Docs and Drive is becoming the preferred educational application tool for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys and quizzes that teachers and students need for most classroom curricular and classroom management functions.

Besides being a free and powerful set of classroom tools, students can at any time and from any place work collaboratively with each other or with their teacher. Documents are automatically saved and stored. One primary goal of this course is for you to use collaborative functions of Drive and Docs. You will store, share, collaborate and comment with peers and the instructor.

“As technology integration continues to increase in our society, it is paramount that teachers possess the skills and behaviors of digital age professionals. Moving forward, teachers must become comfortable being co-learners with their students and colleagues around the world.” ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to give enrollees opportunity to learn beginning to intermediate uses of Google and how to apply Google Drive in an educational environment.
Course participants will have opportunity to:

  • Interact with the instructor on every course assignments and when assistance is needed.
  • Gain an understanding of how Cloud computing services work.
  • Focus on how Google Docs and Drive/Classroom allow students and teachers to create, share and collaborate online with minimal expenditures and equipment.
  • Create example Document, Sheets, Presentations, Forms and Drawing.
  • Store, share, collaborate and use commenting on document you create.
  • Apply use of Drive and Docs with students or peers by creating a unit of study that exemplifies the advantages of using Drive and Docs over older technology.
  • Reflect on the use of each Drive and Docs tool and on the overall use in the participant’s area of education

Course Relation to Professional Standards

  • ISTE Standards
    • Students: Empowered Learner; Digital Citizen; Knowledge Constructor; Innovative Designer;Computational Thinker; Creative Communicator; Global Collaborator
    • Teachers: Facilitate and inspire learning; Design and develop digital age learning experiences; Model digital age work and learning; Promote and model digital age citizenship; Engage in professional growth and leadership
  • CCSS Standards in Digital Literacy
    • Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers and applications as well as an understanding of the concepts underlying hardware, software and connectivity
    • Demonstrate the responsible use of technology and an understanding of ethics and safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school and in society+
    • Demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, decision making, communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation

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Joe Herz

B.S., M.A. in Educational Technology

K-8 General Ed; K-12 Technology 30+ years.

Site and District Tech Coordinator; Technology Program Planner; Conference Presenter; Author.

"My current educational goal is to aid in the development of effective and responsible technology use by all students and innovative technology implementation by teachers."

Joe’s personal interests include: Music (guitar/drums), his classic VW bus and helping with local animal rescues.