EDUO 9021-9027: Teachers’ Book Study Club

  • Graduate Level Credits/Units: 1
  • US $179
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Course Overview

Reading books and discussing them is important for students and teachers. While discussing the content of a book, we will often get much more from the book than if you just read it on your own.

Often reading a book as a school team can also be a useful way to implement a new strategy or get the entire team on the same page (pun intended), while earning continuing education credits online.
The booklist of approved books provides a wide array of books beneficial to classroom, school, district and community enhancement. This course encourages educators to create time to explore the content of a book with each other in order to gain the benefits that can happen when there is dialog between professionals around a focused topic.

This course can be taken multiple times for different books. Additional sections of this course will be numbered as follows. 1st section EDUO9021, 2nd section EDUO9022, 3rd section EDUO9023, etc.

Course Objectives:

In this course participants will have opportunity:

  1. To read important books that impact current issues of education
  2. To think about and analyze ideas in the books
  3. To research and comment on the author’s life experiences as they relate to the book’s theme.
  4. To deepen your understanding of the concepts in the books by creating inquiry questions
  5. To create posts about the book as it relates to your educational experience in an online group of other readers or to discuss and collaborate ideas presented in the reading with colleagues in a face-to-face setting
  6. To write a response to the experience of reading, synthesizing and posting that presents arguments regarding the possibility and advisability of implementing the author’s ideas.

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